We take care of the administration so you can focus on growing your business.
Project employement for the task
You will be affiliated with Factofly in a project employment relationship where you will, among other things, be insured during work - and thus in full compliance.
We take care of your business, so you only pay for what you use. If there are dry spells, there's no bill waiting for you.
No commitment
Use Factofly exactly where it suits you. A single task before you want to register your own CVR number or forever. It's up to you.
We take care of the administration so you can focus on your business.
Project employement for the task
You will be affiliated with Factofly in a project employment relationship where you will, among other things, be insured during work - and thus in full compliance.
We take care of your business, so you only pay for what you use. If there are dry spells, there's no bill waiting for you.
No commitment
Use Factofly exactly where it suits you. A single task before you want to register your own CVR number or forever. It's up to you.
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How Factofly works
invoice without a CVR and be professionally represented
your browser
Simple pricing.
Transparent terms and conditions.
Other resources to help you on your way:
Frequently asked questions about Factofly
Get answers to some of the questions about how it works when you invoice and get paid through Factofly.
If you didn't find what you were looking for, you can start a live chat with us in the right corner.
Frequently asked questions about invoicing with Factofly
Do you use Worksome?
You can easily use Worksome and Factofly at the same time.
You just use Factofly's CVR number and invoice the tasks from Worksome through us.
Our CVR number is: 39781689
No, you can't. You can use Factofly to get paid for your work, but we're not a freelance platform where you can find jobs.
Fast payout of your money, no matter how long the payment deadline your customer gives you.
This is how it works:
👉 If we can make a positive credit assessment of your customer, a magic box will appear when you create an invoice.
Here you can request to get your money out (almost) immediately.
It costs up to 1.95% of your invoice.
⚡️Når you have submitted the invoice, we will then obtain confirmation from your customer that the invoice is correct and that the work has been carried out according to the agreement you have made.
Once we have received the approval, we will then make the transfer to you.
If you have the same bank as us (Sydbank), the money is with you immediately. Otherwise, you can expect it the next banking day.
As a private individual, you can invoice VAT-free in your own CPR number up to DKK 50,000 per year. Of course, this amount must be reported to SKAT, and you must subsequently be registered for VAT as a sole proprietorship when you cross the DKK 50,000 threshold.
When you use Factofly, there is no upper or lower limit to how much you can invoice, as you are affiliated with Factofly as an employee in a project employment. This means that even if your earnings exceed DKK 50,000, you can continue to let Factofly handle your administration and there is therefore no requirement to establish your own company.
When you use Factofly, VAT must be added to the invoice, even if you haven't yet turned over 50,000 DKK.
Keep in mind that if your customer is a business, they get a VAT refund, so it won't affect your price.
Unfortunately, you can't invoice without VAT through Factofly.
This means that if you provide VAT-exempt services such as some types of education, health treatments; including chiropractic, physiotherapy and certain artistic businesses, you can unfortunately not use Factofly.
Are you in doubt? Call or write to us on the chat.
Om du optjener ret til dagpenge eller ej, kommer an på din specifikke a-kasse. Det er tilfældet hos langt de fleste, men tjek direkte med din a-kasse for at høre hvordan de behandler arbejde faktureret igennem Factofly.
I de tilfælde hvor du optjener ret til dagpenge, bliver det antal timer, du arbejder gennem Factofly talt med i det samlede timetal ift. optjening af ret til dagpenge og forlængelse af dagpenge.
Yes, 12.5% of the payment we receive from your customer is paid to you as vacation pay.
The calculation(before tax) will therefore look like this if, for example, you have invoiced 1,000 DKK excluding VAT:
Invoice amount ex. VAT: DKK 1,000
Factofly fee: DKK 60,-.
Payment to holiday account (12.5%): DKK 117.50 (before tax)
Salary payment: DKK 822.50 (before tax)
When pricing yourself, remember to factor this into your price.
Yes, you can do that. Contact us to hear about the possibilities of getting the money right away.
Factofly is registered for VAT and must therefore pay VAT according to the applicable Danish rules. Before we send an invoice, we check whether the services invoiced are subject to VAT.
Yes, you can do that. In that case, an agreement must be made between FactoFly and your customer before you can send the first invoice. You can get that agreement by writing to us at kontrakt@factofly.com.
You fill in your customer's name and address, description of the delivery, any partial deliveries and upcoming invoices.
Yes, you can easily invoice to another country. When you create the invoice, you choose which currency to use on your invoice.
Our invoice and systems are prepared to handle foreign invoices and payments.
You can deduct all direct expenses you incur in connection with an assignment.
You can read more about what and how you can get deductions here.
Yes, you can deduct expenses that are directly related to the task you invoice.
You upload your vouchers directly under your account.
We can help you claim deductions for expenses you incur during the period you use Factofly to get paid.
For example, if you have an expense for the Adobe package that you pay for one year at a time, your expense will be divided into 12 and deductions will be given in the months you invoice work through Factofly.
Yes, you can easily do that. However, you should be aware that SKAT or other public bodies may choose to withhold part of your salary, and we are obliged to comply with this. Contact us if there are special circumstances we need to be aware of, and we'll see how we can help you in the best possible way.
Yes, a freelance agency like Factofly is a great option to use while you're on unemployment benefits. When you freelance with your own CVR number, your unemployment benefit entitlement is shortened to 30 weeks - when you use Factofly you keep your regular unemployment benefit period of 104 weeks. By using Factofly, you also get an employment contract for your freelance assignments, and we report your hours and income to Skat, which the unemployment fund deducts information from.
However, please note that some unemployment insurance funds currently treat work invoiced through Factofly differently. Therefore, check with your unemployment insurance fund before you start work.
We built Factofly for the needs of freelancers and the self-employed. But even if you don't call yourself a freelancer, you can still use our service as long as you sell your time and expertise.
Factofly is designed for private individuals to invoice and get paid without their own CVR number. If you have activities in your own company that you want to manage, we are unfortunately not the right solution for you.
Even if you have your own company, you can still use Factofly as a private individual on the side. For example, if you plan to close down your company to freelance with more freedom. You are always welcome to contact us to hear how our solution fits your needs.
Factofly is currently not able to contribute to a pension.
If you have a long-term collaboration with a customer, we recommend that you draw up a collaboration agreement so that all the formalities are in order. You can use our standard contracts, which you can get by writing to us at kontrakt@factofly.com. Here, you and your customer fill in the various details and then submit them to us.
Remember, if you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact us.
If you are an EU citizen, you are free to use Factofly. If you are not from an EU country, you must have a valid work permit issued in Denmark or from a country recognized by Denmark. As a non-EU citizen, please contact us when you sign up to ensure you get started.
We aim to pay your salary as soon as we receive it in our account. We handle many invoices and payments every day, so it can take up to a maximum of two business days from when we receive the money until it's in your account. You can always check the status of your invoice on your Factofly profile.
We transfer your holiday pay to your holiday account no later than the 15th of the month after we have paid your salary.
It typically takes a few days before you can see the money in your holiday account, but it is typically available around the 20th of the month after you have been paid.
You can request your holiday pay directly from Feriekonto.
You can see an example of what your invoice sent through Factofly looks like right here.
As a private individual, you can send an EAN invoice through Factofly.
As a company, you can use virk.dk's self-service. It is free of charge.
You can also choose to use private operators who typically charge between 8 and 20 kroner to send the invoice for you.
In most popular accounting programs, you can automatically send EAN invoices.
You can create an invoice through an accounting program, you can use an invoice template or you can choose to design your own and set it up yourself.
When you create an invoice, make sure you include all details about your customer, you as a supplier and the work you've done.
One of the benefits of using Factofly is that as a freelancer or self-employed person, you are insured while working. In order for us to insure you, you need to create a task in the system before you start your work.
The insurance includes professional liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance.
Professional liability insurance is if you inflict or cause damage to your customer. Professional indemnity insurance covers in case you are injured yourself.
Factofly also offers advisor insurance. Contact us for more information.
If a customer wants to see proof that you are covered by insurance through Factofly, you can contact us and request a certificate of insurance.
As a self-employed employee at Factofly, you'll receive a salary and paycheck just like you know from a regular job. The big difference is that you have the opportunity to deduct expenses before you pay taxes. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of having your own company, but without all the administration.
What exactly you get paid depends on your deduction percentage, tax deductions and what expenses you can deduct.
You can find our salary calculator here and see what you will be paid.
Your safety and security are our top priority, and we do everything we can to ensure that you and your money are completely safe. We have entered into an extended collaboration with our auditors, who regularly look over our shoulders and ensure that everything is as it should be. We are also registered as an employer, which means that you are also covered by the Employees' Guarantee Fund.
When you create an assignment with us, you specify the number of hours your assignment lasts. We specify this number of hours in your employment contract, which you send to the unemployment fund. This will be the number of hours that you will be deducted in unemployment benefits.
You generally use 1 of your 30 weeks of supplementary unemployment benefit when you work part-time (between 1 and 36 hours) for a week.
We use the start and end date you specify in your assignment and the total number of hours in your employment contract that we create and that you submit to your unemployment fund.
This means that if you have a 37-hour assignment that starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, for example, you will NOT use supplementary unemployment benefit. If you have a 37-hour assignment that starts on Wednesday and ends the following week, you will use 2 additional weeks.
On your unemployment benefit card, you can indicate that you do not want to receive supplementary unemployment benefit for that week. Maybe you've worked 35 hours and don't want to spend a week on 2 hours of unemployment benefit, while the following week you've worked 4 hours and want to top up.
You can work up to 145.6 hours per month (equivalent to 33.6 hours per week on average) and still receive supplementary unemployment benefits.
Contact us directly with relevant documentation of the damage, such as when it happened, the extent of the damage, pictures etc.
Basically, you own the rights to the work you produce in connection with an assignment.
Usage rights to the material (e.g. text, video, image, etc.) can be granted separately under the individual task as part of the task description.
If your customer unexpectedly fails to pay, we chase your money. First we send a friendly reminder, then a reminder, and if payment is still not forthcoming, we're ready to take it all the way to the bailiff.
However, we fully understand that there is a customer relationship to be nurtured and will always include you in the loop before we contact your customer.
When you set up an invoice, it must contain:
- Invoice date
- Due date and payment terms
- Invoice number
- Customer information
- Supplier information
- Summary of work performed or goods sold
- Account details
If an invoice needs to be recalled for any reason, simply contact us by phone (71 96 00 54), email (kontakt@factofly.com) or chat.
We will send a credit note to your customer and you can then create a new customized invoice.
An invoice is essentially a statement of work performed that describes the service or product, who bought and who sold, how much the buyer owes the seller (i.e. the price), when payment is due, and by when.
No, there are no limits to the amount you can invoice via Factofly - neither upper nor lower.
No, the insurance coverage is included in Factofly's service fee of 6% of your invoice. There is no additional cost for the insurance.
12.5% of your invoice (after Factofly's service fee) will be paid to your vacation account.
Even though this means that you get a little less money right away, you still have direct access to your money.
We transfer your holiday pay to your holiday account no later than the 15th of the month after we have paid your salary.
Holiday accounts typically need a few days before you can see the money in your holiday account, but it's typically available around the 20th of the month after you've been paid.
Frequently asked questions about Factofly
Get answers to some of the questions about how it works when you invoice and get paid through Factofly.
If you didn't find what you were looking for, you can start a live chat with us in the right corner.
Do you use Worksome?
You can easily use Worksome and Factofly at the same time.
You just use Factofly's CVR number and invoice the tasks from Worksome through us.
Our CVR number is: 39781689
No, you can't. You can use Factofly to get paid for your work, but we're not a freelance platform where you can find jobs.
Fast payout of your money, no matter how long the payment deadline your customer gives you.
This is how it works:
👉 If we can make a positive credit assessment of your customer, a magic box will appear when you create an invoice.
Here you can request to get your money out (almost) immediately.
It costs up to 1.95% of your invoice.
⚡️Når you have submitted the invoice, we will then obtain confirmation from your customer that the invoice is correct and that the work has been carried out according to the agreement you have made.
Once we have received the approval, we will then make the transfer to you.
If you have the same bank as us (Sydbank), the money is with you immediately. Otherwise, you can expect it the next banking day.
As a private individual, you can invoice VAT-free in your own CPR number up to DKK 50,000 per year. Of course, this amount must be reported to SKAT, and you must subsequently be registered for VAT as a sole proprietorship when you cross the DKK 50,000 threshold.
When you use Factofly, there is no upper or lower limit to how much you can invoice, as you are affiliated with Factofly as an employee in a project employment. This means that even if your earnings exceed DKK 50,000, you can continue to let Factofly handle your administration and there is therefore no requirement to establish your own company.
When you use Factofly, VAT must be added to the invoice, even if you haven't yet turned over 50,000 DKK.
Keep in mind that if your customer is a business, they get a VAT refund, so it won't affect your price.
Unfortunately, you can't invoice without VAT through Factofly.
This means that if you provide VAT-exempt services such as some types of education, health treatments; including chiropractic, physiotherapy and certain artistic businesses, you can unfortunately not use Factofly.
Are you in doubt? Call or write to us on the chat.
Om du optjener ret til dagpenge eller ej, kommer an på din specifikke a-kasse. Det er tilfældet hos langt de fleste, men tjek direkte med din a-kasse for at høre hvordan de behandler arbejde faktureret igennem Factofly.
I de tilfælde hvor du optjener ret til dagpenge, bliver det antal timer, du arbejder gennem Factofly talt med i det samlede timetal ift. optjening af ret til dagpenge og forlængelse af dagpenge.
Yes, 12.5% of the payment we receive from your customer is paid to you as vacation pay.
The calculation(before tax) will therefore look like this if, for example, you have invoiced 1,000 DKK excluding VAT:
Invoice amount ex. VAT: DKK 1,000
Factofly fee: DKK 60,-.
Payment to holiday account (12.5%): DKK 117.50 (before tax)
Salary payment: DKK 822.50 (before tax)
When pricing yourself, remember to factor this into your price.
Yes, you can do that. Contact us to hear about the possibilities of getting the money right away.
Factofly is registered for VAT and must therefore pay VAT according to the applicable Danish rules. Before we send an invoice, we check whether the services invoiced are subject to VAT.
Yes, you can do that. In that case, an agreement must be made between FactoFly and your customer before you can send the first invoice. You can get that agreement by writing to us at kontrakt@factofly.com.
You fill in your customer's name and address, description of the delivery, any partial deliveries and upcoming invoices.
Yes, you can easily invoice to another country. When you create the invoice, you choose which currency to use on your invoice.
Our invoice and systems are prepared to handle foreign invoices and payments.
You can deduct all direct expenses you incur in connection with an assignment.
You can read more about what and how you can get deductions here.
Yes, you can deduct expenses that are directly related to the task you invoice.
You upload your vouchers directly under your account.
We can help you claim deductions for expenses you incur during the period you use Factofly to get paid.
For example, if you have an expense for the Adobe package that you pay for one year at a time, your expense will be divided into 12 and deductions will be given in the months you invoice work through Factofly.
Yes, you can easily do that. However, you should be aware that SKAT or other public bodies may choose to withhold part of your salary, and we are obliged to comply with this. Contact us if there are special circumstances we need to be aware of, and we'll see how we can help you in the best possible way.
Yes, a freelance agency like Factofly is a great option to use while you're on unemployment benefits. When you freelance with your own CVR number, your unemployment benefit entitlement is shortened to 30 weeks - when you use Factofly you keep your regular unemployment benefit period of 104 weeks. By using Factofly, you also get an employment contract for your freelance assignments, and we report your hours and income to Skat, which the unemployment fund deducts information from.
However, please note that some unemployment insurance funds currently treat work invoiced through Factofly differently. Therefore, check with your unemployment insurance fund before you start work.
We built Factofly for the needs of freelancers and the self-employed. But even if you don't call yourself a freelancer, you can still use our service as long as you sell your time and expertise.
Factofly is designed for private individuals to invoice and get paid without their own CVR number. If you have activities in your own company that you want to manage, we are unfortunately not the right solution for you.
Even if you have your own company, you can still use Factofly as a private individual on the side. For example, if you plan to close down your company to freelance with more freedom. You are always welcome to contact us to hear how our solution fits your needs.
Factofly is currently not able to contribute to a pension.
If you have a long-term collaboration with a customer, we recommend that you draw up a collaboration agreement so that all the formalities are in order. You can use our standard contracts, which you can get by writing to us at kontrakt@factofly.com. Here, you and your customer fill in the various details and then submit them to us.
Remember, if you have any questions, you are very welcome to contact us.
If you are an EU citizen, you are free to use Factofly. If you are not from an EU country, you must have a valid work permit issued in Denmark or from a country recognized by Denmark. As a non-EU citizen, please contact us when you sign up to ensure you get started.
We aim to pay your salary as soon as we receive it in our account. We handle many invoices and payments every day, so it can take up to a maximum of two business days from when we receive the money until it's in your account. You can always check the status of your invoice on your Factofly profile.
We transfer your holiday pay to your holiday account no later than the 15th of the month after we have paid your salary.
It typically takes a few days before you can see the money in your holiday account, but it is typically available around the 20th of the month after you have been paid.
You can request your holiday pay directly from Feriekonto.
You can see an example of what your invoice sent through Factofly looks like right here.
As a private individual, you can send an EAN invoice through Factofly.
As a company, you can use virk.dk's self-service. It is free of charge.
You can also choose to use private operators who typically charge between 8 and 20 kroner to send the invoice for you.
In most popular accounting programs, you can automatically send EAN invoices.
You can create an invoice through an accounting program, you can use an invoice template or you can choose to design your own and set it up yourself.
When you create an invoice, make sure you include all details about your customer, you as a supplier and the work you've done.
One of the benefits of using Factofly is that as a freelancer or self-employed person, you are insured while working. In order for us to insure you, you need to create a task in the system before you start your work.
The insurance includes professional liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance.
Professional liability insurance is if you inflict or cause damage to your customer. Professional indemnity insurance covers in case you are injured yourself.
Factofly also offers advisor insurance. Contact us for more information.
If a customer wants to see proof that you are covered by insurance through Factofly, you can contact us and request a certificate of insurance.
As a self-employed employee at Factofly, you'll receive a salary and paycheck just like you know from a regular job. The big difference is that you have the opportunity to deduct expenses before you pay taxes. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of having your own company, but without all the administration.
What exactly you get paid depends on your deduction percentage, tax deductions and what expenses you can deduct.
You can find our salary calculator here and see what you will be paid.
Your safety and security are our top priority, and we do everything we can to ensure that you and your money are completely safe. We have entered into an extended collaboration with our auditors, who regularly look over our shoulders and ensure that everything is as it should be. We are also registered as an employer, which means that you are also covered by the Employees' Guarantee Fund.
When you create an assignment with us, you specify the number of hours your assignment lasts. We specify this number of hours in your employment contract, which you send to the unemployment fund. This will be the number of hours that you will be deducted in unemployment benefits.
You generally use 1 of your 30 weeks of supplementary unemployment benefit when you work part-time (between 1 and 36 hours) for a week.
We use the start and end date you specify in your assignment and the total number of hours in your employment contract that we create and that you submit to your unemployment fund.
This means that if you have a 37-hour assignment that starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, for example, you will NOT use supplementary unemployment benefit. If you have a 37-hour assignment that starts on Wednesday and ends the following week, you will use 2 additional weeks.
On your unemployment benefit card, you can indicate that you do not want to receive supplementary unemployment benefit for that week. Maybe you've worked 35 hours and don't want to spend a week on 2 hours of unemployment benefit, while the following week you've worked 4 hours and want to top up.
You can work up to 145.6 hours per month (equivalent to 33.6 hours per week on average) and still receive supplementary unemployment benefits.
Contact us directly with relevant documentation of the damage, such as when it happened, the extent of the damage, pictures etc.
Basically, you own the rights to the work you produce in connection with an assignment.
Usage rights to the material (e.g. text, video, image, etc.) can be granted separately under the individual task as part of the task description.
If your customer unexpectedly fails to pay, we chase your money. First we send a friendly reminder, then a reminder, and if payment is still not forthcoming, we're ready to take it all the way to the bailiff.
However, we fully understand that there is a customer relationship to be nurtured and will always include you in the loop before we contact your customer.
When you set up an invoice, it must contain:
- Invoice date
- Due date and payment terms
- Invoice number
- Customer information
- Supplier information
- Summary of work performed or goods sold
- Account details
If an invoice needs to be recalled for any reason, simply contact us by phone (71 96 00 54), email (kontakt@factofly.com) or chat.
We will send a credit note to your customer and you can then create a new customized invoice.
An invoice is essentially a statement of work performed that describes the service or product, who bought and who sold, how much the buyer owes the seller (i.e. the price), when payment is due, and by when.
No, there are no limits to the amount you can invoice via Factofly - neither upper nor lower.
No, the insurance coverage is included in Factofly's service fee of 6% of your invoice. There is no additional cost for the insurance.
12.5% of your invoice (after Factofly's service fee) will be paid to your vacation account.
Even though this means that you get a little less money right away, you still have direct access to your money.
We transfer your holiday pay to your holiday account no later than the 15th of the month after we have paid your salary.
Holiday accounts typically need a few days before you can see the money in your holiday account, but it's typically available around the 20th of the month after you've been paid.