Welcome to this week's edition of Freelance Fuel, where, as always, we share curated content that will hopefully inspire your business or get you started.
Today we take a look at a podcast that deserves a-rotation, how you can get more out of your hard-earned traffic, a legendary commencement speech from Jim Carrey, and how the one-man army, Designjoy, would start from 0.
Let's get started.
/Jannik from Factofly
🎙 Founders
There are very few podcasts in rotation here with me, so if new ones are coming in, they have to earn their place.
And one of them is Founders, sharing the world's best entrepreneurs and their stories.
The host, David Senra, is passionate about four things: entrepreneurs, reading, history, and storytelling. When you want to make a good podcast, that Venn diagram doesn't get much better.
Every week David reads a historical entrepreneur's biography and shares what he learns. Simple and very good.
I recommend starting where I did, where David himself is interviewed about what he learned after spitting more than 400 hours of podcast into the airwaves.
💸 Create a better landing page
Attracting potential customers to your site is hard work.
When they're finally there, it's a religious sin not to have optimized your site to get them to buy.
Even though it can be a bit of a science, fortunately, there are many talented people you can lean on.
Funnel Candy has put together a guide to landing pages that convert better. It's aimed at e-com, but there are many tricks to pick up - including how you can use the blur test to make sure it's clear how visitors take the next (purchase) step on your site.
🦅 Take the chance
"You can fail at what you don't want. You might as well take a chance on doing what you love."
In 2014, Jim Carrey gave a heartfelt and inspiring graduation speech to Maharashi International University's students.
And luckily for us too.
If you're at a point where you're wondering how much gas to put into your dreams, I highly recommend ending your day with this amazing speech.
🎬 At it again
A few episodes ago, we visited Brett's shop, Designjoy, which one man makes on the heavy side of $1.2m a year.
Designjoy is run on a subscription-based model, and if you're flirting with a similar setup, there are a few tips in this thread.