Important Information for Suppliers about Working with Factofly

Welcome to Factofly - Denmark's leading platform for freelancers and the self-employed. This page gives you as a supplier clarity on our guidelines and policies. It is important that you understand these rules to avoid misunderstandings.

1. No Purchase in Factofly's Name Without Written Approval

  • General rule: No goods or services may be purchased on credit in Factofly's name without our prior written and specific approval.
  • If an employee of Factofly wishes to make a purchase on credit, our written approval is required before the agreement is concluded.
  • Purchases paid in cash or otherwise without credit are not covered by this rule.
  • Factofly is not liable for payments where the necessary approval is not available.

2. Users' Independent Contracts with Suppliers

  • Any agreements entered into directly between a supplier and a Factofly employee without our written approval are the sole responsibility of the employee and Factofly is not a party to such agreements.

3. Invoicing and Payment Terms

  • Invoices for purchases on credit should only be sent to Factofly if we have given prior written approval for the purchase.

    Invoices sent to Factofly without prior written approval will not be processed and will be rejected.

4. reminders and debt collection

  • Reminders regarding payments for goods or services without prior written approval from Factofly will not be recognized.
  • In the absence of written authorization, the supplier should contact the employee directly if there are any questions or disputes regarding payment.

5. Contact for questions

Do you have any questions about our policies or guidelines? You are always welcome to contact us:

We'll respond as soon as possible and help you find a solution.

6. Disclaimer of liability

  • Factofly reserves the right to change these guidelines without notice.
  • It is the supplier's responsibility to ensure that they act in accordance with the applicable regulations.