invoice without a CVR number and be professionally represented
Spend your time where you are best
We believe that your time is better spent on your actual business than on administration. We help you by taking care of the boring stuff so you can grow your business.
Automatic reminder procedure
If the invoice exceeds the due date, we automatically send friendly reminders after 4 and 11 days. After that, we only step things up in dialog with you.
Direct payroll payment
When we receive payment from the customer, we automatically settle VAT, tax, ATP, AM contributions and holiday pay before your money is paid out as normal salary.
invoice without a CVR and be professionally represented
VAT invoicing
As a Factofly user, you invoice including VAT when you invoice customers within the country.
You do this as you become a project employee and the invoice is sent out under Factofly's name and CVR number.
When it comes to the agreed price, make sure it's always exclusive of VAT. This is typically not a problem when dealing with business customers, but make sure you're clear when it comes to private customers, as they can't get the VAT refunded again.
The VAT rate in Denmark is 25%, so if you have an hourly rate of DKK 400 excluding VAT, your hourly rate including VAT will be: 400 + (400/100*25) = 500,-.
When we receive payment from your customer, we set aside the VAT (in this case the 100 DKK) and report it to the tax authorities. Your salary is therefore calculated based on your price excluding VAT.
You can always visit our salary calculator to see what your salary paid through Factofly looks like. If you are unsure whether or not your service is subject to VAT, you are always welcome to contact us.
VAT invoicing typically applies in nine out of ten cases. Artistic activities and services within education and training are, among other things, subject to payroll and thus exempt from VAT.
EAN, digital and e-invoicing
Public institutions and most larger companies only receive invoicing via EAN or e-invoicing.
E-invoicing is not just an invoice sent via email, but a fully electronic system for handling invoices. EAN invoicing falls under this umbrella, but is not such a difficult exercise again. If you want to send an EAN invoice yourself, the easiest way is to use's own self-service system. There are several private companies that charge a small fee to send EAN invoices for you, but if you do it yourself, give virk's system a look first.
When you invoice through Factofly, we take care of everything for you. You can easily enter your customer's EAN number when you create them under your profile. When you then send an invoice to your customer, we make sure it is automatically sent via EAN.
No matter how your customer prefers to be invoiced, it can easily be handled through Factofly so you don't have to set up an invoice program yourself.
Template for invoicing
Did you land here hoping to find an invoice template and not because you were in the mood to let Factofly do the work for you?
Of course, we have a template that complies with all applicable regulations. You can read about what you need to know and download your invoice template right here.
Template for invoicing
Did you land here hoping to find an invoice template and not because you were in the mood to let Factofly do the work for you?
Of course, we have a template that complies with all applicable regulations. You can read about what you need to know and download your invoice template right here.
Frequently asked questions about invoicing with Factofly
Yes, you can do that. In that case, an agreement must be made between FactoFly and your customer before you can send the first invoice. You can get that agreement by writing to us at
You fill in your customer's name and address, description of the delivery, any partial deliveries and upcoming invoices.
Yes, you can easily invoice to another country. When you create the invoice, you choose which currency to use on your invoice.
Our invoice and systems are prepared to handle foreign invoices and payments.
You can see an example of what your invoice sent through Factofly looks like right here.
As a private individual, you can send an EAN invoice through Factofly.
As a company, you can use's self-service. It is free of charge.
You can also choose to use private operators who typically charge between 8 and 20 kroner to send the invoice for you.
In most popular accounting programs, you can automatically send EAN invoices.
You can create an invoice through an accounting program, you can use an invoice template or you can choose to design your own and set it up yourself.
When you create an invoice, make sure you include all details about your customer, you as a supplier and the work you've done.
If your customer unexpectedly fails to pay, we chase your money. First we send a friendly reminder, then a reminder, and if payment is still not forthcoming, we're ready to take it all the way to the bailiff.
However, we fully understand that there is a customer relationship to be nurtured and will always include you in the loop before we contact your customer.
When you set up an invoice, it must contain:
- Invoice date
- Due date and payment terms
- Invoice number
- Customer information
- Supplier information
- Summary of work performed or goods sold
- Account details
If an invoice needs to be recalled for any reason, simply contact us by phone (71 96 00 54), email ( or chat.
We will send a credit note to your customer and you can then create a new customized invoice.
An invoice is essentially a statement of work performed that describes the service or product, who bought and who sold, how much the buyer owes the seller (i.e. the price), when payment is due, and by when.
No, there are no limits to the amount you can invoice via Factofly - neither upper nor lower.
Frequently asked questions about invoicing with Factofly
Get answers to some of the questions about how it works when you invoice and get paid through Factofly.
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