The most frequently asked questions about invoicing
You've got a customer online, done the job, and now it's time to create an invoice and collect the money.
Getting paid is no small thing, and the first time you press "send" on an invoice is something special.
We've put together a simple overview of the most important terms to know when sending an invoice.
If you need to send an invoice as a private individual, you may want to click through to this guide, where we go through the most important things you need to be aware of in this connection.
How to use Factofly for invoicing: Factofly lets you send an invoice as a private individual. No need to worry about business accounts, insurance, VAT reporting and everything else that comes with being a business owner. Invoice like a business and get paid without any hassle.
What is an invoice?
The word invoice comes from the Latin factura, which means provision or performance. An invoice is used as a statement of a performance, service or goods delivered to a customer and specifies prices and payment terms.
In other words, it's your document to the customer of what you've delivered and where (and when) the money should be sent.
You can see an example of an invoice here. If you need to download an invoice template, you can download a free template.
Invoice requirements
There are a number of legal requirements that you need to be aware of when creating an invoice.
The invoice must therefore clearly state this:
- The issue date - also known as the invoice date
- Invoice number - it must be consecutive, i.e. you can't jump in the order as you please
- VAT number for you as a seller - if you invoice as a private individual, you must provide your CPR number
- Name and address of you as the seller
- Your customer's name, address and CVR number (if a business)
- Specification of the product or service - also called invoice lines
- VAT base and discounts
- Price excluding VAT
- Price including VAT (your price excluding VAT times 1.25)
- Payment deadline and payment details
These are the basics, but if you're hungry to read the heavy description, you can find more on SKAT's website.
Invoicing through Factofly: When you send an invoice through Factofly, you automatically comply with all legal requirements for sending and creating an invoice.
What is a normal payment deadline?
If your customer hasn't informed you of their normal payment terms, it's up to you to set a reasonable payment term. That is, how long your customer has to move the money from their account to yours.
Large companies typically have a set process for when bills are paid, whereas smaller companies do not.
Payment terms at Factofly: The average for Factofly freelancers is 8 days net. Unless you and your customer have agreed otherwise, you can lean on the 8 days.
When to add VAT and when to invoice without VAT?
9 times out of 10, your invoice will be subject to VAT. This means that 25% will need to be added.
There are a number of VAT-exempt services, such as education, health care, training and artistic services. If you provide VAT-free treatment, you must pay payroll tax.
E-invoice and electronic invoice
E-invoice and electronic invoice are different riffs on the same thing: an invoice sent via email. However, it's more than that and describes an electronic format for processing invoices between buyer and seller.
E-invoicing minimizes the chance of errors and allows you to automatically post your invoices. When you invoice the public sector, it is also a requirement that it is done as e-invoicing.
E-invoicing in Factofly: As a Factofly user, everything is digital. This also means that you can invoice the public sector without any problems.
Can I invoice without my own company or CVR number?
Yes you can!
However, there are a number of things you need to be aware of if you want to create and send an invoice without a CVR number. These include insurance, tax, and VAT. We have created a detailed guide to sending invoices as a private individual, which you can find here.
How you can use Factofly: As a private individual, you can easily and simply get paid through Factofly. Get your money out as a normal salary and leave all the administration to us.
EAN invoicing
If your customers are among the big beasts in the state, region, municipality, agencies, schools and hospitals, your invoice must be sent electronically with an EAN number. An EAN number is your customer's electronic stamp and the way they can be identified. Many large companies also use EAN invoicing.
EAN is an abbreviation for "European Article Numbering" and is a 13-digit number.
EAN invoicing in Factofly: EAN invoicing is an integrated feature in Factofly. You send an invoice as normal and simply enter your customer's EAN number when you create the invoice.
What is a credit note?
A credit note can be considered a reverse invoice where the seller owes the buyer money. This could be in connection with a canceled sale, withdrawal of goods or other circumstances where the deal needs to go back.
For example, a credit note can be sent when an invoice is incorrect and a correct invoice can be resent. The sale cannot simply be deleted, but must be booked according to the Bookkeeping Act.
Credit notes with Factofly: when you use Factofly, you are not subject to bookkeeping obligations yourself. We take care of that for you. If you need to issue a credit note to your customer, it is therefore handled directly by us, without you having to do anything.
PO number
If you deliver services or goods to larger companies, PO numbers are often used, just like EAN numbers.
A PO number, or Purchase Order number, is a unique code used to identify and track a purchase order. The PO number helps both the buyer and seller track the order through their systems and ensure that all details are correct.
A PO number is typically issued through your contact at your customer. When they create the purchase of your service, a unique PO number is automatically issued and will either be sent to you as a supplier automatically or through your contact person, depending on the accounting system.
You need to insert this PO number when you invoice your customer. This way, your customer's accounting department knows which internal budget the purchase should be deducted from and booked against.
The PO number is different from an invoice number, and both must appear on the invoice.
A PO number system is most commonly used as a tool to control budgets in larger companies. A PO number can only be issued once a supplier has been approved by Procurement and often requires a certain rank before it can be approved.
For example, a junior can create a buy order up to 20,000 DKK, after which their superior must approve it. This superior can create a buy order up to 100,000 DKK, after which it must go one level higher to be approved.
You should also be aware of
All businesses in Denmark have a bookkeeping obligation, which means that you as a business owner are obliged to keep accounting material for 5 years.
Many accounting programs automatically save your accounting material, and when you use Factofly, this is one thing you don't have to worry about.

The most frequently asked questions about invoicing
You've got a customer online, done the job, and now it's time to create an invoice and collect the money.
Getting paid is no small thing, and the first time you press "send" on an invoice is something special.
We've put together a simple overview of the most important terms to know when sending an invoice.
If you need to send an invoice as a private individual, you may want to click through to this guide, where we go through the most important things you need to be aware of in this connection.
How to use Factofly for invoicing: Factofly lets you send an invoice as a private individual. No need to worry about business accounts, insurance, VAT reporting and everything else that comes with being a business owner. Invoice like a business and get paid without any hassle.
What is an invoice?
The word invoice comes from the Latin factura, which means provision or performance. An invoice is used as a statement of a performance, service or goods delivered to a customer and specifies prices and payment terms.
In other words, it's your document to the customer of what you've delivered and where (and when) the money should be sent.
You can see an example of an invoice here. If you need to download an invoice template, you can download a free template.
Invoice requirements
There are a number of legal requirements that you need to be aware of when creating an invoice.
The invoice must therefore clearly state this:
- The issue date - also known as the invoice date
- Invoice number - it must be consecutive, i.e. you can't jump in the order as you please
- VAT number for you as a seller - if you invoice as a private individual, you must provide your CPR number
- Name and address of you as the seller
- Your customer's name, address and CVR number (if a business)
- Specification of the product or service - also called invoice lines
- VAT base and discounts
- Price excluding VAT
- Price including VAT (your price excluding VAT times 1.25)
- Payment deadline and payment details
These are the basics, but if you're hungry to read the heavy description, you can find more on SKAT's website.
Invoicing through Factofly: When you send an invoice through Factofly, you automatically comply with all legal requirements for sending and creating an invoice.
What is a normal payment deadline?
If your customer hasn't informed you of their normal payment terms, it's up to you to set a reasonable payment term. That is, how long your customer has to move the money from their account to yours.
Large companies typically have a set process for when bills are paid, whereas smaller companies do not.
Payment terms at Factofly: The average for Factofly freelancers is 8 days net. Unless you and your customer have agreed otherwise, you can lean on the 8 days.
When to add VAT and when to invoice without VAT?
9 times out of 10, your invoice will be subject to VAT. This means that 25% will need to be added.
There are a number of VAT-exempt services, such as education, health care, training and artistic services. If you provide VAT-free treatment, you must pay payroll tax.
E-invoice and electronic invoice
E-invoice and electronic invoice are different riffs on the same thing: an invoice sent via email. However, it's more than that and describes an electronic format for processing invoices between buyer and seller.
E-invoicing minimizes the chance of errors and allows you to automatically post your invoices. When you invoice the public sector, it is also a requirement that it is done as e-invoicing.
E-invoicing in Factofly: As a Factofly user, everything is digital. This also means that you can invoice the public sector without any problems.
Can I invoice without my own company or CVR number?
Yes you can!
However, there are a number of things you need to be aware of if you want to create and send an invoice without a CVR number. These include insurance, tax, and VAT. We have created a detailed guide to sending invoices as a private individual, which you can find here.
How you can use Factofly: As a private individual, you can easily and simply get paid through Factofly. Get your money out as a normal salary and leave all the administration to us.
EAN invoicing
If your customers are among the big beasts in the state, region, municipality, agencies, schools and hospitals, your invoice must be sent electronically with an EAN number. An EAN number is your customer's electronic stamp and the way they can be identified. Many large companies also use EAN invoicing.
EAN is an abbreviation for "European Article Numbering" and is a 13-digit number.
EAN invoicing in Factofly: EAN invoicing is an integrated feature in Factofly. You send an invoice as normal and simply enter your customer's EAN number when you create the invoice.
What is a credit note?
A credit note can be considered a reverse invoice where the seller owes the buyer money. This could be in connection with a canceled sale, withdrawal of goods or other circumstances where the deal needs to go back.
For example, a credit note can be sent when an invoice is incorrect and a correct invoice can be resent. The sale cannot simply be deleted, but must be booked according to the Bookkeeping Act.
Credit notes with Factofly: when you use Factofly, you are not subject to bookkeeping obligations yourself. We take care of that for you. If you need to issue a credit note to your customer, it is therefore handled directly by us, without you having to do anything.
PO number
If you deliver services or goods to larger companies, PO numbers are often used, just like EAN numbers.
A PO number, or Purchase Order number, is a unique code used to identify and track a purchase order. The PO number helps both the buyer and seller track the order through their systems and ensure that all details are correct.
A PO number is typically issued through your contact at your customer. When they create the purchase of your service, a unique PO number is automatically issued and will either be sent to you as a supplier automatically or through your contact person, depending on the accounting system.
You need to insert this PO number when you invoice your customer. This way, your customer's accounting department knows which internal budget the purchase should be deducted from and booked against.
The PO number is different from an invoice number, and both must appear on the invoice.
A PO number system is most commonly used as a tool to control budgets in larger companies. A PO number can only be issued once a supplier has been approved by Procurement and often requires a certain rank before it can be approved.
For example, a junior can create a buy order up to 20,000 DKK, after which their superior must approve it. This superior can create a buy order up to 100,000 DKK, after which it must go one level higher to be approved.
You should also be aware of
All businesses in Denmark have a bookkeeping obligation, which means that you as a business owner are obliged to keep accounting material for 5 years.
Many accounting programs automatically save your accounting material, and when you use Factofly, this is one thing you don't have to worry about.