By 7 min read Last Updated: 7. februar 2025
factofly and cvr number
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How to use Factofly with your own CVR number

There can be a lot of tedious tasks associated with having a company registration number.

Hos Factofly lader vi dig fakturere for dit arbejde som privatperson uden at skulle have dit eget CVR-nummer.

But you can also use Factofly on the side - even if you have your own CVR number. You may be planning to close down your CVR number in the long term, or you may want to free up more time and energy for your freelance work by trying out Factofly.

Regardless of your situation, here are some of the benefits of using Factofly even if you have a company registration number.

Finally, you'll also find a step-by-step guide to get you started if you're already an independent freelancer with your own company registration number.

Why use Factofly even if you have a VAT number?

Being self-employed with your own company and company registration number is not always easy, and there are many administrative processes to keep track of.

Tasks that take away from the time you could otherwise spend doing what you're good at - your job.

Invoicing, accounting, tax and VAT reporting, insurance, bad payers and much more are among the challenges you may face in a CVR-registered business.

You can avoid all that by using Factofly.

In other words, you can wave goodbye to the hassle of having a company registration number.

Take the hassle out of administration

When you use Factofly, you invoice through Factofly's CVR number and have thereby outsourced your administration.

You will be affiliated with Factofly as salaried employee in a project employment.

This way, you can invoice both through your own CVR number and through Factofly's CVR number when it suits you. There is no requirement to close your CVR number when using Factofly.

But you'll quickly realize the benefits of using Factofly; you won't have to keep track of accounting, tax, VAT and much more, because we do it for you.

Easy invoicing

If you need to invoice a customer for your work, you can quickly and easily create and send an invoice with Factofly.

Simply fill in the contact and payment details and then send your invoice to your customer. Once you've sent your invoice, all that's left to do is wait for your money to arrive in your account.

Inside your Factofly profile, you can follow the status changes of your invoice and your money will often be in your account the same day.

You don't have to worry about any upper or lower limit for your invoicing, as you are employed as an employee.

In other words, you can invoice without a CVR number and let Factofly handle all the administrative tasks.

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An easier freelance life with Factofly

Vær freelancer uden besvær og tag dig betalt uden eget CVR nummer med Factofly. Vi hjælper knap 14.000 andre med en hverdag uden administration.

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Factofly has your back in case of non-payment

Som selvstændig med eget CVR-nummer kan det være en svingende fornøjelse at fakturere og derefter afvente betaling.

Dertil kan det være grænseoverskridende at skulle påpege en manglende betaling overfor en kunde. Især da kunderelationen og vedligeholdelsen heraf er særligt betydningsfuldt, når du har en selvstændig virksomhed – uanset om det er med eller uden CVR-nummer.

If your customer doesn't pay on time, Factofly will always have your back.

Der vil blive sendt en påmindelse om manglende betaling og efterfølgende en rykker. Derfor slipper du for at have samtalen med din kunde om den manglende betaling, og kan udelukkende fokusere på den positive kommunikation.

Insurance while working

When you choose to use Factofly's CVR number, you are automatically insured during work with two statutory insurances - at no extra cost. 

You can read more about why it's important to keep track of your insurance as a self-employed freelancer.

The statutory insurances include professional liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. In addition to the statutory insurance, you also have the option to set up a pension plan and in some cases receive sick pay. 

The only thing you need to remember is to set up the task with Factofly before you start work. Read more about how to do this at the end of this post.

Pay only when you use Factofly

With Factofly, you don't have to worry about an extra monthly expense or a large annual fee. You pay 6% automatically when you invoice through Factofly, which is the only payment we take at Factofly. You pay as you go.

If you don't use Factofly at all during some periods, you will of course pay nothing. That's why it's also quite easy and flexible to combine Factofly with your own CVR number, where you can mix and match as you wish.

However, the percentages you pay to Factofly are quickly saved. You don't have to pay for accountants, business accounts and accounting programs.

Creating an account with Factofly is completely free and there are no hidden fees to surprise you. 

Of course, there are no costs for your customers when you use Factofly. And you can easily record any expenses related to your work to register your deductions. 

You don't have to deal with the headache of tax and VAT reporting - Factofly takes care of that too. 

Step-by-step guide: Using Factofly with your own company registration number

It's easy and simple to get started with Factofly - even if you have your own CVR number.

It costs you nothing to create an account with Factofly, regardless of whether you have your own company registration number on the side or not.

Below we have created a small step-by-step guide to help you get started.

When you are on Factofly's website:

  1. Create a free account with email and password
  2. Create your customer so you can send your first invoice
  3. Opret din opgave inden du starter dine projekter, så du er forsikret under arbejdet
  4. Opret dine fakturaer og få udbetalt løn
  5. Du kan oprette fradrag, hvis du har købt noget i forbindelse med arbejdet

You can easily keep track of everything in your account, where you can create an overview in your dashboard.

And what about my own company registration number, you might ask?

In fact, it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep your CVR number or not. It's also up to you which and how many tasks you invoice through Factofly or your own CVR number.

But one thing is certain; Factofly handles the administrative and financial aspects of your work for the invoices you invoice through us - sit back and get your money paid as salary.

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An easier freelance life with Factofly

Vær freelancer uden besvær og tag dig betalt uden eget CVR nummer med Factofly. Vi hjælper knap 14.000 andre med en hverdag uden administration.

Start free user

Get started with Factofly even if you have your own company registration number

Factofly helps you with invoicing and all the administrative tasks, even if you have your own CVR number on the side. 

It is possible to choose a hybrid solution if it makes sense for you in your company and you can mix the two solutions as you wish.

Having a company registration number is not necessary when using Factofly - but it is possible to keep your company registration number on the side without any problems!

This can be a good solution for those who want to try Factofly and aren't ready to close down your CVR number yet. Or maybe you need to use your CVR number for something else for one reason or another, but still want to get rid of as much of the administration as possible.

We hope it makes room for all the great things about being self-employed and that you can live your passion without being drained by administrative tasks. 

And more time for fun? Every self-employed person could use it!

By 7,1 min read Last Updated: 7. februar 2025
factofly and cvr number

How to use Factofly with your own CVR number

There can be a lot of tedious tasks associated with having a company registration number.

Hos Factofly lader vi dig fakturere for dit arbejde som privatperson uden at skulle have dit eget CVR-nummer.

But you can also use Factofly on the side - even if you have your own CVR number. You may be planning to close down your CVR number in the long term, or you may want to free up more time and energy for your freelance work by trying out Factofly.

Regardless of your situation, here are some of the benefits of using Factofly even if you have a company registration number.

Finally, you'll also find a step-by-step guide to get you started if you're already an independent freelancer with your own company registration number.

Why use Factofly even if you have a VAT number?

Being self-employed with your own company and company registration number is not always easy, and there are many administrative processes to keep track of.

Tasks that take away from the time you could otherwise spend doing what you're good at - your job.

Invoicing, accounting, tax and VAT reporting, insurance, bad payers and much more are among the challenges you may face in a CVR-registered business.

You can avoid all that by using Factofly.

In other words, you can wave goodbye to the hassle of having a company registration number.

Take the hassle out of administration

When you use Factofly, you invoice through Factofly's CVR number and have thereby outsourced your administration.

You will be affiliated with Factofly as salaried employee in a project employment.

This way, you can invoice both through your own CVR number and through Factofly's CVR number when it suits you. There is no requirement to close your CVR number when using Factofly.

But you'll quickly realize the benefits of using Factofly; you won't have to keep track of accounting, tax, VAT and much more, because we do it for you.

Easy invoicing

If you need to invoice a customer for your work, you can quickly and easily create and send an invoice with Factofly.

Simply fill in the contact and payment details and then send your invoice to your customer. Once you've sent your invoice, all that's left to do is wait for your money to arrive in your account.

Inside your Factofly profile, you can follow the status changes of your invoice and your money will often be in your account the same day.

You don't have to worry about any upper or lower limit for your invoicing, as you are employed as an employee.

In other words, you can invoice without a CVR number and let Factofly handle all the administrative tasks.

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An easier freelance life with Factofly

Vær freelancer uden besvær og tag dig betalt uden eget CVR nummer med Factofly. Vi hjælper knap 14.000 andre med en hverdag uden administration.

Start free user

Factofly has your back in case of non-payment

Som selvstændig med eget CVR-nummer kan det være en svingende fornøjelse at fakturere og derefter afvente betaling.

Dertil kan det være grænseoverskridende at skulle påpege en manglende betaling overfor en kunde. Især da kunderelationen og vedligeholdelsen heraf er særligt betydningsfuldt, når du har en selvstændig virksomhed – uanset om det er med eller uden CVR-nummer.

If your customer doesn't pay on time, Factofly will always have your back.

Der vil blive sendt en påmindelse om manglende betaling og efterfølgende en rykker. Derfor slipper du for at have samtalen med din kunde om den manglende betaling, og kan udelukkende fokusere på den positive kommunikation.

Insurance while working

When you choose to use Factofly's CVR number, you are automatically insured during work with two statutory insurances - at no extra cost. 

You can read more about why it's important to keep track of your insurance as a self-employed freelancer.

The statutory insurances include professional liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. In addition to the statutory insurance, you also have the option to set up a pension plan and in some cases receive sick pay. 

The only thing you need to remember is to set up the task with Factofly before you start work. Read more about how to do this at the end of this post.

Pay only when you use Factofly

With Factofly, you don't have to worry about an extra monthly expense or a large annual fee. You pay 6% automatically when you invoice through Factofly, which is the only payment we take at Factofly. You pay as you go.

If you don't use Factofly at all during some periods, you will of course pay nothing. That's why it's also quite easy and flexible to combine Factofly with your own CVR number, where you can mix and match as you wish.

However, the percentages you pay to Factofly are quickly saved. You don't have to pay for accountants, business accounts and accounting programs.

Creating an account with Factofly is completely free and there are no hidden fees to surprise you. 

Of course, there are no costs for your customers when you use Factofly. And you can easily record any expenses related to your work to register your deductions. 

You don't have to deal with the headache of tax and VAT reporting - Factofly takes care of that too. 

Step-by-step guide: Using Factofly with your own company registration number

It's easy and simple to get started with Factofly - even if you have your own CVR number.

It costs you nothing to create an account with Factofly, regardless of whether you have your own company registration number on the side or not.

Below we have created a small step-by-step guide to help you get started.

When you are on Factofly's website:

  1. Create a free account with email and password
  2. Create your customer so you can send your first invoice
  3. Opret din opgave inden du starter dine projekter, så du er forsikret under arbejdet
  4. Opret dine fakturaer og få udbetalt løn
  5. Du kan oprette fradrag, hvis du har købt noget i forbindelse med arbejdet

You can easily keep track of everything in your account, where you can create an overview in your dashboard.

And what about my own company registration number, you might ask?

In fact, it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep your CVR number or not. It's also up to you which and how many tasks you invoice through Factofly or your own CVR number.

But one thing is certain; Factofly handles the administrative and financial aspects of your work for the invoices you invoice through us - sit back and get your money paid as salary.

Start free user

An easier freelance life with Factofly

Vær freelancer uden besvær og tag dig betalt uden eget CVR nummer med Factofly. Vi hjælper knap 14.000 andre med en hverdag uden administration.

Start free user

Get started with Factofly even if you have your own company registration number

Factofly helps you with invoicing and all the administrative tasks, even if you have your own CVR number on the side. 

It is possible to choose a hybrid solution if it makes sense for you in your company and you can mix the two solutions as you wish.

Having a company registration number is not necessary when using Factofly - but it is possible to keep your company registration number on the side without any problems!

This can be a good solution for those who want to try Factofly and aren't ready to close down your CVR number yet. Or maybe you need to use your CVR number for something else for one reason or another, but still want to get rid of as much of the administration as possible.

We hope it makes room for all the great things about being self-employed and that you can live your passion without being drained by administrative tasks. 

And more time for fun? Every self-employed person could use it!