Calculate your salary as an independent freelancer with Factofly

Calculate your salary as an independent freelancer with Factofly

More than 7,000 freelancers and self-employed people use Factofly to get paid without their own CVR number.

See what your paid salary through Factofly will look like

Enter your invoice amount and see what your paid salary will look like here.

Using Factofly means having getting your money as a normal salary, without you having to worry about administration.

Enter your billed amount (excluding VAT), and see what you get paid.

Deductions are your shortcut to getting paid more with Factofly

As a Factofly user, you have the option of deducting the expenses you have in connection with your work.

When you want to calculate your salary as independent freelancer, you can use the calculator here to try to see how your paid salary from Factofly changes as you include your expenses.

You can read more around deduction at Factofly here.

Calculate salary

Find your tax rate and calculate the salary paid

If you want to calculate your salary after tax and deductions, you can enter your exact tax rate in the calculator.

If you are unsure about your tax rate, you can look it up on the tax authorities' website under "TastSelv" where you'll find your monthly deduction and your tax rate.

Find your tax rate and calculate the salary paid

If you want to calculate your salary after tax and deductions, you can enter your exact tax rate in the calculator.

If you are unsure about your tax rate, you can look it up on the tax authorities' website under "TastSelv" where you'll find your monthly deduction and your tax rate.

Main tax card or secondary?

When you are a Factofly-user, you can choose for yourself whether your main tax card or your secondary should be used.

As a rule of thumb, use your main card where you earn the most. Your tax deduction is linked to your main card.

Your withdrawal percentage is the same whether you use main or secondary cards. If you e.g. goes from using Factofly for your side business (and thus has chosen for us to use your secondary card) to it becoming your primary source of income, you can easily and simply change which tax card we will use under your profile.

Calculate salary
Calculate salary

Calculate hourly wage and price as a freelancer

How to calculate what to take in class? If you are not sure that you have hit the right point, you can download our hourly price calculator.

Here you can count back from an ambition of an annual income. Use it as a benchmark, and make sure you also measure your price up against your competitors and your level in the market.

Calculate hourly wage and price as a freelancer

Magically, your invoiced amount is linked to the hourly price you have set. If you are not sure that you have hit the sweetspot, you can download our hourly price calculator.

Here you can count back from an ambition of an annual income. Use it as a benchmark, and make sure you also measure your price up against your competitors and your level in the market.

Calculate salary

Factofly does the heavy lifting so you can focus on you



We pay your money directly to your account shortly after we receive it from your customer.

When you work on a task under our wings, we make sure to have you covered by our insurance.

Tax optimized income

We ensure that your expenses in connection with your work are included in your payroll.

Administration on autopilot

Factofly handles it all for you: collects the money, arranges VAT, tax, insurance and holiday pay.

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Freelance with Factofly

Use Factofly to invoice and get paid without having your own CVR number or registered company. We handle all the boring stuff, so you can spend your time where it's the most fun.

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